Passed ISO 9001: 2015 certification

Our company has successfully passed certification according to the international quality management system and obtained the ISO 9001: 2015 certificate of compliance with the following types of work:

  • Work on the preparation of a planning scheme for the organization of a land plot;
    Works on the preparation of architectural solutions;
    Works on the preparation of constructive solutions;
    Work on the preparation of information on internal engineering equipment, internal networks of engineering and technical support on technical measures;
    Work on the preparation of information on external networks of engineering and technical support on technical measures;
    Work on the preparation of technological solutions;
    Work on the development of special sections of project documentation;
    Work on the preparation of projects for the organization of construction, demolition and dismantling of buildings and structures, extension of the life and conservation;
    Work on the preparation of measures for the protection of the environment,
    Work on the preparation of projects for fire safety;
    Work on the preparation of projects of activities to ensure the access of low-mobility groups of the population;
    Work on the inspection of building structures of buildings and structures;
    Work on the organization of preparation of project documentation, attracted by the developer or customer on the basis of the agreement by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur (general designer).
  • During his time in various spheres of construction and repair work, the company’s specialists have accumulated invaluable experience and have repeatedly proved their professionalism. To date, our company thanks to high-quality work has earned the respect of partners and the appreciation of customers.

The quality management system, created in the group of companies “NTC-C”, guarantees the stability and reliability of the organization. And its certification for compliance with the standard ISO 9001: 2015 – a certificate of recognition at the world level.

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